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Hobson Health Care - Sydenham




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DrAshley Miller is a consultant physician and gastroenterologist and endoscopist.He obtained his medical degree at the University of Melbourne and thenundertook specialist training in Gastroenterology in Melbourne and Canberra. DrMiller has a PhD in the field of inflammatory bowel disease.

DrAshley Miller is a Visiting Staff Specialist and Head of Clinics in theDepartment of Gastroenterology at St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne. He conductsa private consulting practice at 100 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne, at HobsonHealthcare in Werribee, and at Hobsons Bay Specialist Centre. Endoscopy serviceis conducted at the Epworth Freemasons Day Procedure Centre and at HobsonHealthcare in Werribee, Altona and Sydenham. Dr Miller admits private patientsto St. Vincent’s and Mercy Private Hospital, and the Epworth FreemasonsHospital, East Melbourne.

DrMiller’s special interests include gastroscopy, colonoscopy, capsule endoscopy,inflammatory bowel disease, bowel cancer screening and coeliac disease. He isparticularly interested in medical education and is a Fellow in the Departmentof Medicine, St Vincent’s Hospital, University of Melbourne and an AdjunctClinical Senior Lecturer in the School of Medicine, University of Notre Dame.Dr Miller teaches both undergraduate and trainee specialists. He also has akeen interest in the teaching of colonoscopy and has undergone the specialist“Train the Trainer Programme in Colonoscopy”. Dr Miller is a long servingmember of the St. Vincent’s Hospital Human Research and Ethics Committee.

DrMiller practice reflects his commitment to the highest quality in patient care.He believes in evidence-based medicine and that a doctor’s role is not only totreat but to heal patients through listening, caring and compassion.

Dr AshleyMiller is Chairman of the Hobson Healthcare Medical Advisory Committee. In 2014he founded Focus Gastroenterology.

Contact and information



Suite 419,100 Victoria Parade, EastMelbourne VIC 3002

03 9650 7917 Phone
03 9650 7910 Fax Email



179 Princess Street, Werribee


566 Melton Highway, Sydenham


Hobson Bay Specialist Centre, 93Ferguson Street, Williamstown



EpworthFreemasons Medical Centre, 320 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne


HobsonHealthcare: Werribee, Altona, Sydenham

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